
Automotive Dealership Office Manager p-33484

Automotive Dealership Office Manager p-33484

Currently working in East King County; however, looking for a shorter commute. This Office Manager candidate is well-versed in either new car dealership or a well-run secondary used car type facility. Has VERY GOOD WORK HISTORY and OUTSTANDING REFERENCES. Reference comments include: “A work horse”, “Knows dealership accounting from A to Z.”, “Awesome office manager, top of the line”, “Rock solid”, “This person knows how to get things done”. Would prefer a smaller to mid-sized dealership. Being a single parent, some work flexibility is helpful.

Pay range: $110k(+) per year.

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Applicant ID: p-33484
Location: South King/Pierce County


Counselor: Dave DeMontigny
Phone: 425-952-4400
Email: dave@carpeople.com