
ASE Master Technician P-22760

ASE Master Technician P-22760

Former ASE Certified Master Technician experienced in diagnosis and repair is leaving Boeing and getting back to the automotive repair field. Last in automotive in 2019 with over 15 years experience and let ASE Master status expire, but can re-test. Performs repairs on engines, transmission, brakes, suspension using the latest software and technology. Also familiar with computerized diagnostic systems and repair. Has good Snap-on tool assortment. Has good references and work history. Also has independent shop adviser/shop manager experience as well. Looking for a well-organized, clean and organized facility.

Pay range: $45(+) flat rate

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Applicant ID: p-22760
Location: Snohomish/Skagit County


Counselor: Dave DeMontigny
Phone: 425-952-4400
Email: dave@carpeople.com