
Automotive Associations

Automotive Associations

Automotive Associations In the Pacific NW

AAA of Washington
1745 114th Ave. SE
Bellevue WA 98004
Phone (425) 462-2222
Toll free 800-562-2582
Fax (425) 646-2169
E-mail: info@aaawa.com
Contact: Customer Service
WEB site www.aaawa.com

7403 Lakeview Drive West Unit #3
Tacoma, WA 98467
Phone (253)-473-6970
Fax (253)-473-6940
E-mail: Jeff@asawa.com
WEB Page: www.asawa.com
Jeff Lovell, President jeff@asawa.com
Dave Burnett, VP Membership dave@asawa.com
Donna Washut, Coordinator, donna@asawa.com
Carla Lovell, Admin. Assistant, carla@asawa.com
Chip Keen, Chairman of the Board, chip@asawa.com

Autobody Craftsman Association of Washington
1124 Industry Dr.
Tukwilla WA 98188-4803
Phone (206) 575-8893
Fax (206) 575-8894
E-mail info@acanw.com
WEB site http://www.acanw.com
Contact: Kirk Ingertila

Auto United Trades Organization
317 E 4th #120
Olympia WA 98501-1191
Phone (360) 943-6695
WEB site
Contact: Tim Hamilton

NW Tire Dealers Association
8300 gage Blvd.
Box 508
Kennewick WA 99336
Phone (509) 735-1991
Fax (509) 735-2856
E-mail rnordness@charter.net
Web Site: http://www.driveusa.net/nwtda.htm
Contact: Dick Nordness , Executive Dir.

Puget Sound Auto Dealers Association
Merged with Washington State Auto Dealer’s Association 2-2015
Jim Hammond, Retired,   See below.

Washington Automotive Wholesale Association
17921 Bothell-Everett Hwy, Ste. 105
Bothell WA 98012-6393
Mail to: PO Box 12690
Mill Creek WA 98080-0690
Phone (425) 402-WAWA (9292)
Fax (425) 402-9291
(800) 562-6520
e-mail info@washingtonautomotive.org
Web www.washingtonautomotive.org
Contact: Paul TeGantvoort, Chairman of the Board
Bob Yates, Asst. Chairman of the Board

Washington State Auto Dealers Association
621 SW Grady Way   (Merged with PSADA 2015)
Renton WA 98057
Phone (206) 433-6300   /   (800) 998-9723
Fax (206) 433-6301
E-mail info@wsada.org
WEB site www.wsada.org
Contact:  Vicki Giles Fabre’

Washington State Independent Auto Dealers Association
Office: 707 Auburn Way South, Auburn, WA – 98002
Mailing: PO Box 1837, Auburn, WA – 98071
Office Telephone: 253-735-0267
Office Fax: 253-804-0844
Toll Free: 800-877-3577
E-mail kurt@wsiada
WEB page www.wsiada.com
Contact: Kurt Strovink, Exec. Dir.

Northwest Auto Trade Association (NATA)
Servicing Oregon, Idaho and SW Washington
1710 NE 82nd Ave.
Portland OR 97220
Phone 503-253-9898
Fax 503-253-9890
e-mail info@aboutnata.org
WEB page www.aboutnata.org
Contact: Deb Elkins, Exec. Dir. deb@aboutnata.org.
Christine Logue, Exec. Dir.

(Note: NATA is a consolidation of ASA of Oregon, and Oregon Autobody Craftsman’s Association.)

Oregon Auto Dealers Association
777 NE 7th PO Box 14460
Portland OR 97293-0460
Phone (503) 233-5044
Fax (503) 231-4728
E-mail denise@oregonautodealers.org
WEB site www.oada.biz
Contact: Chris Newber, Exec. VP

Idaho Auto Dealers Association
4980 W State St.
Boise, ID 83703
Phone: 208-853-4668
Fax 208-853-6671
e-mail Idahoada@qweat.net
WEB site www.idahoada.org
Contact: Denise Brennan, Exec. VP

Montana Auto Dealers Association
501 N Sanders St.
Helena MT 59601-4528
Phone (406) 442-1233
Fax (406)
WEB site